Do you want to learn how to cook wild plants? New to vegetarian cooking? Céline offers cooking classes and workshops in her place in Cobonne or elsewhere on request. Come and discover a cuisine inspired by Nature...
Wild cooking class: I invite you to explore fields and gardens, hedges and forests to glean from here and there
enough to enrich your meals. With the walk inherent in this activity, it is a real rapprochement with nature that takes place.
Observing, touching, smelling, tasting, picking and then preparing... A whole art of sharing your finds with friends and family,
making a feast out of nothing.
Vegetarian cooking class: To diversify your way of cooking, discover new foods, discover with new flavors... there are many
reasons to cook vegetarian!
Solar cooking: How to use the sun to cook food ? make jams ? I show you several ways to cook with the sun in low tec way
The cooking classes take place in my workshop in Cobonne.