Nice times to have Wild swims in natural pools

The Drôme valley nicely nestles among limestone mountains that give birth to countless streams whose water , laden with calcite particles, reflects the light of the sun and turns it into such a typical colour that it could be labelled “Drôme blue”.


A  somehow translucent  turquoise blue intertwined with hints of emerald green.. Running down the slopes, the water goes through more or less soft rocks and creates splendid falls wherever the stone is too hard to be eroded,  or natural swimming pools where it has managed to dig the rock. And when  there is a combination of both at the same spot, the landscape is worth printing in a postcard!

You can either easily  get to some of them on a road or you may  have to win them, walking on more or less long paths.  But you surely are rewarded :  in the heat of the summer you could believe you are in the tropics because of the impressive lagoon- blue colour of these wonders of nature. With the chirping of the cicadas to top it all! Besides, the water is of good quality, so you can safely gorge into those little heavens. So, are you ready for a dive?

Natural pool

Wild swim in a river